Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have lived in university owned housing for the last 3 years. Part of the joys of university housing include not only mystery roommates and extremely used carpeting but also the necessity to move all of your earthly belongings at least twice a year.
Because of this we have taken to keeping all the boxes folded in some corner of apartment, a constant reminder of the fact that we will need to fit everything back into those boxes and carry them somewhere new.
So tonight, I started packing. This year I'm not going home for the summer but am staying in town. So I can't just toss everything in a storage unit and forget about it for 3 months. I need to move into the boyfriend's house for 2 weeks before I can move into my summer sublet. So I get to move 3 times this year, yay!
But as I was packing up a box of fall clothing and other things I can leave with my aunt this summer, I realized how much emotional baggage I've been holding onto in the form of clutter and other random pieces of clothing. Seeing how I am desperate to only keep what I really need and cut down on the stuff I need to carry around, I threw it all away.
There was more than I thought. Old clothing from when I was skinny that I secretly hope will fit again someday, band t-shirts and other red t-shirts that I won't be needing anymore, band tights and bloomers, and tshirts and presents from former boys. I absolutely do not need and will never wear any of these things again so why did I keep them so long?
But now they're all in the bin. It feels good.

and now to pack the rest of the apartment.
someday I would like to not have to move around so much.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Junior Year

Although I have been posting every few months or so, I never seem to write anything about my life here anymore. It's April, and that means that my Junior year at USC is nearly over.
I used to always say that Freshman year was the best year of my life, but I'm not so sure anymore.

This year I have:
*Treated an underlying health condition that has been holding me back for years
*Fallen in love
*Been loved and accepted
*Gotten an A in a difficult 4 unit course
*Landed a dream internship
*Worked 2 jobs
*Saved money
*Learned to keep my apartment tidier
*Chosen a concentration that inspires me
*Built a website and grown my hobby and my talent
*Gone on beautiful vacations
*Drove a 1000 mile road trip
*Dropped my minor to pursue art
*Realized that some things will never be the same

I'm not saying my year was perfect. There are things I wish I'd done and some things I regret.

What triggered this reflection?
Well I work up this morning and my lower back would.not.move. I dragged myself to class, was in boatloads of pain, and came home. I was texting with the mister explaining my agony and why I was staying home from work and 10 minutes later he shows up downstairs. He spent his lunch break skating over to see me and check to see if I would be ok.
It's things like that, that make me grateful.

It's been a beautiful year, and I'm looking forward to a beautiful summer.